It's the big return of the Snowshoe and Yooner events and we are excited to start a new season in the snow. On the programme: trade fairs, product testing and races! We look forward to seeing you again to share these moments, we promise you a very busy winter with TSL!

Let's go! 

Yeti Race
27 November 2022

We're getting off to a great start with the Yeti Race in Tignes! A truly unique event where you will run and overcome a series of obstacles! A completely crazy race!  Someone has whispered in our little ear that the Yeti runs in TSL snowshoes, another reason to participate in this crazy race! See you in Tignes :

2/3 December 2022

The SaintĂ©Lyon, a mythical race: in the cold, in the rain (or in the snow), but always in a good mood! We'll be there to warm your hearts at the Asics SaintĂ©Lyon show! All the info you need here: Https://

Don’t forget to swing by to see us!

raquettes tignes
3/4 December 2022

The first Yooner event of the year will take place in Tignes! The testing format was very popular last year so we are doing it again and we hope to see even more of you this year to discover the Yooner! Starts in the early evening

yooner tignes
December 2022

The first Yooner event of the year will take place in Tignes! The testing format was very popular last year so we are doing it again and we hope to see even more of you this year to discover the Yooner! Starts in the early evening

Safety Shred days
10 janvier 2023

C'est les Safety shred Days à la Rosière à l'initiative de Victor Daviet, snowboarder pro.

DĂ©couvrez la gestion des risques en montagne et au secours en avalanche, le tout dans une bonne ambiance et Ă  des tarifs abordables afin d'acquĂ©rir les connaissances et les bons rĂ©flexes pour bien attaquer la saison. Nous serons prĂ©sents pour du testing produits. 

TSL Sancy Nordique
5 FĂ©vrier 2023

TSL Sancy Nordique : ÉvĂ©nement sportif et convivial au dĂ©part de Murat-le-Quaire. Une grande fĂŞte de la raquette oĂą les petits et grand pourront Ă©voluer sur 2 circuits balisĂ©s de 8 et 11 km. 

raquettes praz
8 and 21 February 2023

Two days of testing in Praz sur Arly to try out snowshoes.

yooner praz
15 February 2023

For a change from snowshoeing, if you are still in Praz sur Arly, it's a Yooner day: alone, with family or friends, come and discover this neat little snow machine!

yooner tignes
February 2023

Yooner Tignes testing in the early evening. Because the February holidays in the snow are as important as Christmas holidays, we’re back in town so that you can discover the Yooner, be ready!