Put the obligatory strap in place! You must be attached to the Yooner via the strap (leash) in order to avoid any risk of the device falling off the chairlift during ascent. This strap is placed around the user's waist and attached to the Yooner.



Place one hand on the foot of the Yooner's handle (the top of the handle will then be against your shoulder) and hold the seat with the other hand (behind the Yooner). The Yooner ski will lie flat on the user's knees. This position avoids any risk of bumping when the seat arrives and the bar is lowered.



Yooner users are similar to pedestrians carrying hand luggage. They walk straight off as quickly as possible on landing, leaving the arrival platform free for skiers.



For your own safety, never go down the slopes with your safety strap attached to the Yooner.