People have been, are, and will always be at the heart of TSL's development!
It is thanks to this human energy that we are celebrating our 41st anniversary this year!
Behind the performances and this blockbuster year à 300,000 pairs of snowshoes sold ß, there are men and women involved and committed to the success and prosperity of TSL!
In a few figures, TSL Outdoor today is:
- 81 employees, including 44 women and 37 men
- 74 people on permanent contracts, 2 on fixed-term contracts, 2 apprentices, 1 alternating work experience and 2 on parental leave
- The average age is 43
- Staff turnover is close to zero: You feel so good that you stay for years
- A mascot: Snowchou, 8 months old (Snowshoe in English, not for nothing!)
- Offices and a production plant located in the same place in Annecy
- A football team and a climbing group
- Outdoor enthusiasts: Hiking, Skiing, Snowboarding, Nordic Walking, Trail Running, Cycling, Climbing!
- In production: a bindings team, for pole and snowshoe assembly
- In the office: a design office, a purchasing, marketing, promotion/event management, accounting, sales, HR, TSL Rescue, Ludisport and Accedis team!
In short, TSL Outdoor is one big family!